- Whiplash Injuries
- Wry Neck
- Tennis Elbow
- Shin Splints
- Rotator Cuff Injuries
- Patello-Femoral Pain
- Patella Tendinopathy
- Osteitis Pubis
- MCL Injury
- Neck Pain
- Lower Back Pain
- ITB Friction Syndrome
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Headaches
- Dizziness
- Hamstring Injury
- Femoro-acetabular Impingement
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Calf Injury
- Adductor Injury
- Achilles Tendinopathy
- ACL Injury

Treatment for Wry Neck Injuries
Wry neck injuries are a relatively common injury. It is characterized by sudden onset of sharp neck pain with deformity and limited range of movement. It can occur with either a sudden, quick movement or on waking up. A common cause is when you wake up after sleeping in an awkward posture or moving from unusual position. There is usually a lot of muscle spasm and pain.
At Pro Physio SA, our Musculoskeletal Physiotherapists will thoroughly assess your neck, looking at the joints, the muscles and nerves around your neck and shoulder and find out what is causing your pain and contributing to it.
At Pro Physio SA, our musculoskeletal physiotherapists will thoroughly assess your neck, looking at the joints, the muscles and nerves around your neck and shoulder and find out what is causing your pain. Treatment of a wry neck may include: massage, manipulation, mobilization, traction, electrotherapy, heat, acupuncture and posture correction. They will provide you with advice to help you manage your pain and will help you through your rehabilitation to return you to normal.
Appointments with one of our Physiotherapists can be requested by clicking here.