- Whiplash Injuries
- Wry Neck
- Tennis Elbow
- Shin Splints
- Rotator Cuff Injuries
- Patello-Femoral Pain
- Patella Tendinopathy
- Osteitis Pubis
- MCL Injury
- Neck Pain
- Lower Back Pain
- ITB Friction Syndrome
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Headaches
- Dizziness
- Hamstring Injury
- Femoro-acetabular Impingement
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Calf Injury
- Adductor Injury
- Achilles Tendinopathy
- ACL Injury
Treatment for Patello-Femoral Pain
Patello-femoral pain is characterized by pain in and around the kneecap. It is a common complaint amongst sports people. It usually occurs after a period of running or walking up or down stairs, jumping or squatting. There may be some swelling occasionally, with a feeling of grinding or creaking under the knee and is usually more sore after activity.
A longstanding thought as to what causes patella femoral pain is related to mal-alignment and mal-tracking of the kneecap relative to the thigh bone during movement. This causes abnormal loading through the knee joint and therefore irritation of the underside surface of the knee cap.
When the knee cap is pulled to one side and the tracking becomes uneven it can irritate the surface of the underside of the bone. This may be caused by weak quadriceps muscles and/or tightness of the structures on the outside of the thigh. Weakness of the hip muscles and poor foot biomechanics may also contribute to patella femoral pain.
Musculoskeletal and Sports Physiotherapists are highly trained in biomechanical analysis and are thus able to help identify the contributing factors and cause of injury. They are able to treat the impairments and provide appropriate advice and implement a thorough rehabilitation program to assist in preventing re-injury and improve the alignment and tracking of your kneecap during activity. The physiotherapists at Pro Physio SA are also trained in being able to assess your training or running technique
Physiotherapy treatment and management at Pro Physio SA focuses on correcting any abnormal biomechanics through an individual specifically prescribed exercise program, as well as activity modification, advice regarding anti-inflammatory medications, and treatment of the sources with soft tissue release and mobilization, dry needling/acupuncture and stretches. Taping/bracing of the kneecap may also be used or prescribed to allow for return to sport or activity.
Appointments with one of our Physiotherapists can be requested by clicking here.