Strength for Life – exercise as we get older

Strength for Life is a program designed by the Council on the Aging (COTA) and is aimed at promoting health and well-being amongst people over 50 and over 40 for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders.

Participants in the Strength for Life program engage in progressive strength training and cardiovascular exercises.  Research indicates that regular physical activity can have a positive effect on global muscle strength, cardiac and respiratory function, mental health, flexibility, chronic pain management, musculoskeletal and metabolic conditions.

Aging is also associated with a decline in balance and flexibility performance.  Performing these components of fitness in a structured environment such as a Strength for Life session can facilitate improvements to ensure that optimal function is maintained as we age.

In addition to physical improvements, engaging in regular group based exercise can have significant social benefits. Forming new relationships, enhancing motivation and sharing experiences with others are all benefits of performing exercise in a group environment such as the Strength for Life program.

Before participating in sessions, participants require an assessment with an Exercise Physiologist. Participants will then be eligible to attend Strength for Life group sessions, either in a Tier 1 (conducted by an Exercise Physiologist) or Tier 2 (conducted by a fitness instructor). At Pro Health Care, all sessions are run by an Exercise Physiologist and participants can claim sessions through their private health funding if applicable. Exercise physiology is available at our Kidman Park and Mitcham Pro Health Care clinics.  Please phone to make a booking.

Pro Studio SA  Andrew Bradley, Exercise Physiologist

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