Our Condition’s Commonly Treated Services

Heel Pain

heel pain

Treatment for Heel Pain


Plantar Fasciitis is an overuse condition of the plantar fascia, which is a band of connective tissue which runs from the heel to the ball of the foot. Overloading of this structure can cause bruising or overstretching of this ligament which can cause inflammation and pain. In some cases, it may be related to a heel spur. Surprisingly, the spur itself does not cause pain and may often be found in the other foot without symptoms.


Our team of Podiatrists at Pro Podiatry SA are highly trained in assessing and identifying the contributing factors which may be contributing to developing Plantar Fasciitis. At Pro Podiatry SA the podiatrists thoroughly and meticulously assess your injury and adopt an evidence-based approach to your management and rehabilitation.


Orthotic Prescription is often an extremely useful adjunct to treatment of this condition. Our team of Podiatrists are able to customize orthotics to assist in improving biomechanical factors that may have contributed to the onset of symptoms in the first instance. Here at Pro Podiatry SA, our highly trained podiatrists will work in conjunction with our team of physiotherapists to provide appropriate advice regarding footwear, education regarding warming up, stretching and cool down, as well as treating the contributing factors to the problem.

Treatment for plantarfasciitis may include (but is not limited to):

  • Stretching of the plantar fascia, as well as the calf muscle
  • Massage
  • Dry Needling/Acupuncture
  • Prescription of orthotics
  • Designing an appropriate strengthening program for the calf muscle and small muscles of the foot
    Appointments with our Podiatrists can be requested by clicking here.
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