Treatment for ITB Friction Syndrome
ITB Friction Syndrome occurs when there is excessive friction between the ITB and the underlying outer surface of the thigh bone. This may occur when there is a lack of flexibility of the outer quadriceps muscle and poor muscular control around the lumbar spine, hip and knee.
Symptoms may include: a feeling of pain or burning along the lateral aspect of the knee, sometimes radiating up along the ITB or down towards the tibia. Activities which may be aggravating include: long distance running, going up and down stairs.
Our team of Podiatrists at Pro Podiatry SA are highly trained in biomechanical analysis and are thus able to help identify the contributing factors and cause of injury. They are able to treat the impairments and provide appropriate advice and implement a thorough rehabilitation program to also to assist in preventing re-injury.
In the acute stages of injury, management is to RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) for the following 48-72 hours to reduce damage. Orthotic Prescription is often an extremely useful adjunct to treatment of this condition. Our team of Podiatrists are able to customize orthotics to assist in improving biomechanical factors that may have contributed to the onset of symptoms in the first instance, and they will work in conjunction with our team of physiotherapists in devising a treatment regime to manage the condition.
Appointments with our Podiatrists can be requested by clicking here.