Treatment for Achilles Tendinopathy
The common symptom of Achilles Tendinopathy is pain over the Achilles tendon. The tendon is often tender to touch and may have related thickening.
Research on the pathology of Achilles Tendinopathy shows that tendon overload and repeated strain causes accumulative micro-trauma and degeneration. So under the microscope, the affected fibers of the Achilles tendon are abnormal with a poor healing response. Contributing factors to this may include any muscle weakness or inflexibility which predisposes the joint to reduced stability and poor shock absorption. Abnormal biomechanics of the pelvis and knee and weak calf muscle may also contribute.
Our team of Podiatrists at Pro Podiatry SA are highly trained in biomechanical analysis and are thus able to help identify the contributing factors and cause of injury. They are able to treat the impairments and provide appropriate advice and implement a thorough rehabilitation program to also to assist in preventing re-injury.
At Pro Podiatry SA, our highly trained Podiatrists will thoroughly assess and diagnose your problem. Treatment of Patella Tendinopathy includes but is not limited to:specific exercises looking to remodel the collagen fibers of the tendon, strengthening of any weak muscles, massage, electrotherapy, dry needling/acupuncture and stretches.
Orthotic Prescription is often an extremely useful adjunct to treatment of this condition. Our team of Podiatrists are able to customize orthotics to assist in improving biomechanical factors that may have contributed to the onset of symptoms in the first instance, and they will work in conjunction with our team of physiotherapists in devising a treatment regime to manage the condition.
Appointments with our Podiatrists can be requested by clicking here.