Benefits of Massage

Benefits of Massage

Massage is the manipulation of the soft tissues using a variety of different techniques which causes positive physiological changes such as the relaxation response.

Every treatment is tailored to the individual depending on what outcome they are wanting to achieve.

There are a wide variety of reasons for people to get a massage ranging from treating sporting injuries to allowing time to switch off and reduce everyday stress. By assessing and working through the muscles, fascia, tendons and ligaments remedial massage therapists are able to help treat a variety of symptoms caused by injuries and biomechanical dysfunctions in order to restore body balance.

All types of massage can provide a multitude of overall health benefits. These can be broken into 3 main categories: Physical, mental and emotional.

Physical benefits include:

  • Relieves sore muscles
  • Reduces muscle tension
  • Improved recovery of soft tissue injuries
  • Improved joint mobility and flexibility
  • Calms the nervous system
  • Reduces chronic pain
  • Improved circulation
  • Stimulation of the lymphatic system
  • Reduces headaches

Mental benefits:

  • Promotes better quality of sleep
  • Reduces mental stress
  • Induces mental relaxation
  • Improves concentration

Emotional benefits:

  • Anxiety reduction
  • Improved sense of well being
  • Allows time to switch off

Every body is supported by a complex muscular system. It is the job of the muscles to autonomously permit movement of the body and maintain posture. Physiological changes occur often meaning treatments will change depending on the bodies current requirements.

Massage is never restricted to just one group of individuals. From athletes to expectant mothers – everyone can experience the benefits of massage.

Pro Remedial SA Lucy Rawlings, Remedial Massage Therapist

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