Receiving a positive PCR or Rapid Antigen Test result for COVID-19 can be an uncertain and anxiety provoking experience. There are a couple of different ways to manage your symptoms (if you present with any) once you have received your positive test result.
Managing COVID At Home
Most people who test positive for COVID-19 will likely only experience mild symptoms and recover without requiring special treatment or hospitalisation, especially if fully vaccinated. The majority will be able to self-manage their illness by referring to the RACGP’s COVID-19 patient guide.
If you would like to speak to your GP about your positive test results or any symptoms you may be having, please make a telehealth appointment with your nearest practice.
Calling 000
If you are experiencing worsening or severe COVID-19 symptoms to call 000 immediately. Red flag symptoms include:
• Syncope or light-headedness
• New or worsening breathlessness
• Chest pain or tightness
• Blue lips or face
• Cold and clammy, or pale and mottled skin
• Vomiting, significant abdominal pain, or diarrhoea >4 times a day
• Poor oral intake with significant drop in urine output
• New onset confusion or carer concern
• Haemoptysis
• Severe headache, particularly in children
Higher-Risk Patients
If you are at a higher-risk of developing adverse outcomes or severe disease, please make a telehealth appointment with your nearest practice to discuss your positive result. Higher-risk patients include those who:
- are unvaccinated or only partially vaccinated
- are aged >65 years
- are pregnant
- have comorbidities, including
– lung disease, such as COPD, asthma or bronchiectasis
– cardiovascular diseases, such as hypertension
– obesity (body mass index >30 kg/m2)
– immunocompromising conditions - have chronic kidney disease
- have diabetes (type 1 or 2)
- have liver disease
- have significant neurological disorders, such as stroke or dementia
- suffer from some chronic inflammatory conditions and therapies
- have significant frailty or disability
- have severe mental health conditions
We’re here to support our patients and our community should they test positive and offer Telehealth care where needed.