Physio & Podiatry Services – Covid-19

Our group of physio and podiatry practitioners would like to reassure our patients that we will continue to provide physiotherapy and podiatry services throughout the duration of the Covid-19 crisis.

We have undertaken a number of social distancing and hygiene measures to ensure the ongoing safety of our staff, practitioners and patients. These include:

  • All patients are requested to wait in the their cars until called by their practitioner to enter the practice
  • Only one person is to enter the room per consultation
  • All practitioners are using hospital grade dis-infectant to clean all surfaces before and after consultations
  • Strict hand hygiene measures are enforced

Whilst the government continues to consider physiotherapy and podiatry essential services, we will continue to support our patients as best as possible with the following measures:

  • Unable to attend an appointment due to illness or vulnerability? No problem, we can perform a telehealth consultation to provide advice on ways that you can manage the problem from home
  • Experiencing Financial Hard-ship? We understand that most people have been effected with financial hard-ship and that we need to work together to navigate through this crisis. If experiencing financial hard-ship, please let your practitioner know and we can offer a level of concession to assist

Please be aware that Physio and Podiatry consultations can be requested from our on-line booking system or by calling the practice during opening hours.

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