Pro Health Care
General Practitioner

General Practitioner
We are mixed billing and that brings about expectations of excellence from our community. Do you commit to excellence?
If you do, come join one of our modern, well equipped and well supported family practices! With convenient locations all across Adelaide such as Kidman Park, Beverley, Henley Beach, Dover Gardens, Walkerville, Mitcham, Norwood, Stirling and Hope Valley – we’re confident there’s a practice for you.
What do we offer?
- Practitioner owned family practices with the support of a well-resourced local network;
- Excellent support staff, services and facilities to ensure that you are able to focus on your clinical work-load while actively developing and managing your patient list;
- Generous remuneration packages (short-term and relocation incentives considered);
- Hourly retainers for the first three (3) months;
- Structured professional development opportunities and support;
- Flexibility, work at either one or a number of different locations, and your desired session times.
Why Pro Health Care?
- We have a proud reputation of quality services delivered within a Patient-Centred ethos and an emphasis on preventive treatment within a multi-disciplinary framework that includes on-site pathology, physiotherapy, psychology and podiatry to name a few.
- We pride ourselves on excellence in service delivery and an uncompromising commitment to patient care that is shared by our practitioners and support staff alike.
- We recognise that our practitioners operate within their own slightly different clinical parameters. Our focus is to support practitioners by the provision of comprehensive support services including a cohesive reception team, highly trained nursing team and allied / ancillary health providers. This allows our practitioners to engage with their patients in a completely autonomous clinical setting that encourages innovation.
- A number of our practices are also accredited GPEx training providers for GP Registrars, a responsibility that we share and embrace amongst our clinical team with the offer of uncompromising collegiate support. We strongly encourage Registrars to submit applications or reach out upon Fellowship.
Come experience your ideal work-life balance, make a big impact within your local community, and receive the financial rewards you deserve for all your hard work, dedication and excellent service.
We only work with the best GPs so help us get to know each other better by contacting us by applying below or calling on 7081 9800.

Apply Below
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